There's a blog I like to read by a guy who's so libertarian, I think he has a picture of Ron Paul under his pillow. What exactly does the Libertarian Party profess? You can look it up on Wikipedia, but personally *I* get the image of Jack Palance in City Slickers: a gun, a dog, and a "no government" wanted sign.

At the risk of talking about politics, to the left is the Nolan Chart, (courtesy of which may help to explain where we are on libertarianism.
Now erase politics from your mind and get back to economics. (Which is much more relaxing, anyway.) We simply want to find how a libertarian would fix this economy.
Don, my libertarian blog guy, calls the bailout, the power given to banks, and the government takeover of banks a "crime". I'm not sure which of them bothers him more. He calls our reliance on government an addition. He is bracing for hyper inflation. Here's his recipe for relief:
Get rid of most of government, stop all subsidies, and repeal all laws that allow off shoring (notice he didn't say make new laws to stop it). Don believes if we let the financial crises burn itself out, we can start anew.
Again, I like some of the things he says, but I'm of the school that not doing enough during the 1930s was what prolonged the anguish. I also do believe in regulations. Left to their own self interest people too often screw others over. Sorry, but it's true.
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