The book is an interesting read for its "backyard" style chats about how a capitalist economy works. But it also talks about social classes through history and how this "great depression" could move us into a new class age. His theory is borrowed from another scholar and, in a nutshell, goes like this:

People fall into one of four social classes depending on their particular strength. Every class has it's day, or, it's Era. The Laborer Era is run by people who shun authority and have no need for high ambitions. Batra cites prehistoric man; I picture a hippy commune. But not everyone feels that way and the desire many have for a more managed community opens the door to . . .
. . . The Warrior Era. This age is run by armies and royalty who exercise absolute power. It's the age of Xena, Pharohs and Kings. Eventually the domination becomes onerous and the disorder caused by constant war leads to . . .
. . . The Era of Intellectuals. The time when religious leaders take over, and no, that's not an oxymoron. Eventually the religious leaders become too manipulative and turn away from spiritual truths for ego and power. The masses see through them and start to demand rights for individuals. And so you get . . .
. . . The Era of the Acquisitors. Society is now run by those who know how to get rich: bankers, merchants, landlords, ball players. Sound familiar? It's where we are now, and before you think you're living in the good times, it has its problems like all the others. The credo of individual rights get misused to keep the rich, rich. All things become commercialized. And rich does not necessarily = moral, yet the rich rule.
Eventually, the gap between rich and poor becomes too great. The people rebel, and the next Era begins. Is that where we're heading now?
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